The vector system of integral equations for the vectors of source density of the kth symmetrical component (SC) of magnetic field of the stator of cylindrical three-phase electromagnetic stirrer has been transformed to the scalar system of integral equations (ScSIE) in respect of the projection of density vectors of the sources of kth SC of the magnetic field on the axis of cylindrical system of coordinates with allowance for symmetry on Z, Y, X coordinates in projections of densities of the sources of the kth SC of magnetic field of the stator. Part of the stator core surface, the points M ( XM, YM, ZM ) with coordinates ZM ≥ 0, YM ≥ 0, XM ≥ 0, belonging to it, is the domain of definition of ScSIE obtained after the above transformations. This allows reducing considerably the volume of calculations connected with composing the matrix of approximating algebraic system and its solution.