V.V. Mokhor, V.A. Evdokimov
Èlektron. model. 2020, 42(6):03-17
A review and analysis of publications devoted to solving scientific and practical problems of the development of the electric energy (e/e) market as a complex organizational and technical system (SOTS) is given. The subsystem of pricing management is highlighted, as its component part, as a separate object of organizational management. The urgency and necessity of creating a simulation model of the system for managing the pricing process in the electricity market with the direct participation of market entities is substantiated, the main purpose of which is to study the scientific and practical problem of improving the methodological pricing tools. Based on the analysis of modern methods of simulation modeling of management processes in the SOTS, the choice of a multi-agent approach as the main one for building a simulation model of pricing processes in the electricity market is justified.
simulation model, multi-agent approach, organizational and technical system, electricity market.
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