I.P. Kameneva, V.O. Artemchuk, A.V. Іatsyshyn, А.A. Vladimirsky
Èlektron. model. 2024, 46(1):03-20
In order to systematize and integrate the acquired experience necessary for decision-making in conditions of war and man-made danger, as well as for the purpose of controlling emissions of greenhouse gases or other harmful substances, knowledge presentation models have been developed that take into account both the results of the analysis of available data and probabilistic assessments of the state safety of man-made enterprises and adjacent territories. In order to improve the decision-making process, a number of probabilistic models are considered, which are based on the calculation of subjective probability estimates regarding the occurrence of dangerous events and forecasting the corresponding risks. Factors of various nature are considered during modeling: external influences, concentrations of harmful substances, greenhouse gas emissions, indicators of the state of safety of man-made productions, efficiency of equipment, accounting of violations, and other indicators. Also, the knowledge system provides for calculating the risks of dangerous events, the probability of which increases under the interaction of two or a number of hazardous factors.
On the basis of the conducted research, an algorithm for building and the structure of a probabilistic model of knowledge focused on software implementation in the decision-making support system for managing the safety of man-made enterprises that pose threats to the population and the natural environment has been developed.
knowledge presentation models, emissions monitoring, decision-making, probabilistic assessments, subjective risks.
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