I.P. Kameneva, V.O. Artemchuk, A.V. Iatsyshyn

Èlektron. model. 2018, 41(2):81-96


A probabilistic model of the domain is considered, which formalizes the formulation of the tasksA probabilistic model of the domain is considered, which formalizes the formulation of the tasksof analysis, interpretation and integration of multidimensional data. Some approaches to theproblem of identifying informative features and modeling expert knowledge used in psycho semanticstudies are analyzed. A probabilistic modification of the modeling process of a multidimensionalsemantic space is given. For a formal description of expert knowledge, it is proposedto use methods for estimating the subjective probability of individual events, which make it possibleto refine the estimates obtained earlier, taking into account accumulated experience. The resultsof the proposed approach are demonstrated on the example of environmental data.


probabilistic model, semantic space, expert knowledge, subjective probability estimates,probabilistic model, semantic space, expert knowledge, subjective probability estimates,decision making.


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