S.D. Vynnychuk, V.M. Misko
Èlektron. model. 2018, 40(5):03-26
A modification of the quadratic sieve method (QS) was proposed, in which the search for B-smooth numbers uses the polynomials X2- kN. In contrast to the QS and multiple polynomial quadratic sieve (MPQS) methods, the method ùà multiple quadratic k-sieve (MQkS) uses a common factor base (FB), which was detailed for each k value. The algorithm takes into account the fact that, the number of B-smooth is relatively larger with smaller values of the numbers of the sifting interval. It was confirmed by the data of numerical experiments. The steps for the proposed algorithm and their implementation were described. On the basis of numerical experiments, it was demonstrated that, using of the MQkS method, it is possible to achieve a decrease in the average time of the formation of the B-smooth set over against of the QS method with a smaller size of FB.
integer factoring, quadratic k-sieve, multiple sieve.
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