N. Zaika, V. Rakovych, M. Komarov, E. Laureyssens

Èlektron. model. 2024, 46(4):80-86


The paper examines the issue of risk management in critical infrastructure facilities, highlighting the analysis of existing approaches and methods used to assess negative threats. Particular attention is paid to the importance of using information technologies for data collection and processing, as well as to the complexity of developing a systematic risk management methodology. Tracking activity in social networks, analyzing browser history and other data allows you to analyze and track a person’s psychological and physical state. Having access to information about interests and personal issues gives attackers the opportunity to develop various types of influence, including pressure, blackmail and manipulation.


risk management, critical infrastructure objects, risk assessment methods, information technology, risk analysis, social engineering, espionage, information risk, cyber protection, personnel, control, recommendations.


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