E.M.Farhadzade, A.Z.Muradaliyev, T.K.Rafiyeva, A.A.Rustamova
Èlektron. model. 2020, 42(2):91-108
Traditionally, the estimation of an overall performance of new power units of thermal power stations spent on size of the specific charge of conditional fuel. Thus supposed, that reliability of work and safety of maintenance service completely provided by performance of corresponding factory instructions and Rules. So it also is. But, in process of increase in service life of objects, necessity of the account of actual reliability and safety is shown more and more obviously. This feature finds the reflection in Service regulations, maintenance service and repair in the form of recommendations to consider a technical condition of objects. Unfortunately, it is not specified, how it to do. It shown, that the opportunity of an objective estimation of boundary values fiducially interval allows passing to normalization to values of realizations of parameters of an overall performance, to estimate an integrated parameter, to compare and range compared objects, to lead benchmarking. The risk of the erroneous decision at more perfect organization of operation, maintenance service and repair at these objects essentially decreases, that leads to increase of an overall performance. The method and algorithm of calculation of boundary values fiducially interval of realizations of parameters of an overall performance of objects of electro power systems (EPS) is developed. The illustration of an estimation of boundary values fiducially interval of integrated parameters of an overall performance and benchmarking spent on statistical data of technical and economic parameters of boiler installations of power units 300 МWt thermal power stations on gas oil fuel. Cats
Electric power industry, benchmarking, fiducially the approach, prigrins, comparison, ranging, object, efficiency, reliability, profitability, safety.
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