A.A. Vladimirskiy
Èlektron. model. 2018, 41(1):03-19
The article is devoted to solving the problems of developing new methods for qualitative diagnostics of underground pipelines of heat networks that take into account the specific features of wave propagation of acoustic signals through pipelines. A general methodological approach is presented. The approach includes the following steps: the formation of a diagnostic model of the pipeline section, taking into account the multi-wave propagation and wave interference; synchronous registration of the array of acoustic signals; calculating the arrays of their correlation functions; by correlation functions, calculation of arrays of diagnostic parameters sensitive to the interference of acoustic waves recorded at various points of the pipeline at the access points. Further, these parameters are used as control quality parameters in the nonlinear programming problem. Parameters are controlled in the process of solving a problem by choosing the spatial position of the sensors on the pipeline and the frequency ranges of the signals.
multi-wave propagation, vibrosignal, diagnostic model, correlation, pipeline, leakage, corrosion refinement.
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