S.F. Honchar, R.P. Herasymov, V.V. Tkachenko
Èlektron. model. 2018, 41(1):43-54
The operation of critical infrastructure objects in a specific environment such as cyberspace is associated with vulnerabilities and threats, and requires the development of new tools to ensure the sustainability of functioning in a computer attack. Management of the sustainability of the critical information infrastructure of the United Energy System of Ukraine is based on knowledge of the state of the objects of management, the state of the functioning environment and the effects that take place. An integral element of such control systems is a number of decision support subsystems. The capabilities of the management system directly depend on the ability of the decision support subsystem to provide the decision maker with a well-balanced information that characterizes the real and predicted states of the critical infrastructure objects and propose a reasonable choice of the trajectory for achieving the goal. In this regard, the development of a methodology for assessing the critical information infrastructure functioning in cyberspace is an urgent task.
cyber life, technique, property, infrastructure, cyber resistance, cyberspace.
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