О.О. Ogir, V.F. Evdokimov
Èlektron. model. 2022, 44(2):82-89
The article is devoted to the research of the image formation model based on a set of one-dimensional phase holograms on the area perpendicular to the recording area of elemental hologram elements and the set of acoustic axes of probing space when moving a compatible emitter-receiver along the synthesized aperture. This approach should allow to solve the total amplitude echo signal, which receives intensity at the probing point from different points of volume due to different artifacts of the initial phase of the complex amplitude, which have their coordinates in the probing plane and their value and location value. The article presents the directions of research in the system of defectoscopy of materials and the environment, outlines the approach to the solution and solution of the inverse problem based on solutions of the wave level.
image formation, information technology, filtering, spatial resolution, hologram.
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