N.I. Dunayevska, Ya.I. Zasiadko, P.Ya. Zasiadko, T.S. Shchudlo
Èlektron. model. 2017, 39(3):89-104
A geometric model of the work area of the experimental unit for the combustion and gasification of pulverized coal has been created in the Gambit software. The corrections of the registration of the platinum-platinum-rhodium (PP) thermocouples have been calculated with the help of the integral model of the unit high temperature flow gasification with capacity up to 100 kg per hour of coal in a vertical design (VGP-100V) in experimental conditions of combustion of natural gas. Based on the ANSYS CFX software, a three-dimensional model of processes in the burner with thermochemical preparation of low-reaction coal of TPP-210A boiler of Tripolskaya TPP has been developed. The initial data are presented for the design of a 65 MW burner for the TPP-210A boiler for the implementation of the coal and biomass co-firing technology at TPPs of Ukraine.
co-firing, biomass, coal, anthracite.
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