А.M. Kapiton 1, doct. of ped. sciences; О.S. Dziuban 1, graduate student;
Т.M. Franchuk 2, cand. of ec. science; I.L. Yatsenko 3
1 National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»
Ukraine, 36011, Poltava, Pershotravnevy prospect, 24
tel. +38 (066) 9440001, е-mail:
tel. +38 (050) 7669661, е-mail:
2 State University of Trade and Economics,
Ukraine, 02156, Kiev, Kyoto Street, 19
tel. +38 (097) 5472345, е-mail:
3 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
Ukraine, 61002, Kharkiv, Kyrpychova str., 2
tel. +38 (067) 5472345, е-mail:
Èlektron. model. 2023, 45(6):77-84
The influence of the development of information technologies on the improvement and development of innovative methods of preventing the loss of computer data is considered. It has been proven that the development of computer network technologies is gradually accelerating, as today vulnerability is considered a potential threat to information security. The main problems of computer information leakage and computer software encryption technology to prevent computer information leakage are analyzed. Classification of the information leak has been carried out. The consequences of information leakage, which have an impact on the economic benefits of enterprises or individuals, have been studied. Data leakage prevention methods have been proposed and are currently relevant, including technical tools and product solutions such as traditional DSM (Data Encryption Management) and DSA (Data Security Isolation), as well as DLP (Data Leak Prevention) based. The protection technology to contain the leakage of computer information was analyzed. It is justified that due to the fact that electrostatic shielding is used to prevent electrostatic communication interference, it is advisable to use grounding conductors. It is determined that electromagnetic shielding uses the principle of reflection and absorption of electromagnetic waves on the surface of the conductor and inside the conductor to protect against high voltage interference.
security, data loss, shielding technologies, computer information.
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- How to Prevent Data Loss in 10 Different Ways URL: https://www.vera.com/drm/prevent-data-loss/ (дата звернення: 05.08.2023).
- How can you prevent data loss? URL: https://www.linkedin.com/advice/3/how-can-you-prevent-data-loss-skills-security-awareness (дата звернення: 05.08.2023).
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- Steps for Preventing Data Loss URL: https://www.netcov.com/preventing-data-loss-guide/ (дата звернення: 05.08.2023).
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