H.O. Kravtsov, S.M. Hrechko, V.V. Nikitchenko, A.M. Prymushko

Èlektron. model. 2022, 44(3):14-30


Authors propose an algebraic system with some special axioms as a mathematical framework to model arbitrary cognitive agents. We develop cognitive process as the composition of functions that happens if and only if some given requirements are met with some given probability; we introduce definitions of objective and subjective contradiction within a cognitive algebraic system (CAS). We proved that subjective contradiction makes CAS unable to find an optimal solution analytically and thus such a CAS is deliberated to fallback to the combinatorics and its methodology. Rigorous definitions of theoretical and practical experimentation and theoretical and practical learning were given, also was shown the role of (natural) language in these processes. New science problem arose — the problem of defining language’s semantics within described CAS.


strong artificial intelligence, cognitive algebraic system, consistency of cognitive system, time quantum, nature of subjective time, synthesis model, learning, research.


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