E.M. Farhadzadeh, A.Z. Muradaliyev,
Y.Z. Farzaliyev, T.K Rafiyeva., S.A. Abdullayeva
Èlektron. model. 2017, 39(6):93-106
One of the main requirements imposed upon integrated indicators is independence of the single indicators making them. In actual practice the nomenclature of reliability, profitability and safety indicators of the objects of electrical power systems is known and made proceeding from real opportunities of data collection. The number of such technical and economic indicators changes from units to tens. If necessary an increase of informational content of integrated estimates reached by attraction of information on passport data and service conditions. However, when sharing these data there often arise difficulties connected with distinction of both a scale of their measurement, and interrelation degree. Methods, algorithms and subprograms of selection of the
independent technical and economic indicators increasing reliability of comparison and ranging of the objects, recommendations on increasing reliability and profitability of work of the objects are developed.
reliability, efficiency, scale, methods, comparison, ranging, package boiler, power unit, distribution, function, histograms, service, repair.
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