Yu.D. Polissky
Èlektron. model. 2020, 42(4):103-109
Data processing in a non-positional number system of residual classes can significantly improve the speed of computing operations. The aim of the work is the theoretical justification of one of the approaches to solving a non-modular, so-called complex, operation, for the implementation of which it is necessary to know the numbers of operands for all digits. The operation consists in transforming the representation of a number from one system of modules by representing it in another system of modules. The considered approach is based on determining the remainder by the desired module based on the obtained balances by the modules of the original system. Such a determination is performed by sequentially subtracting the constants from the obtained residues and summing these constants to the results that are generated by the desired module. In this case, the constants at each iteration are selected depending on the value of the remainder in the analyzed discharge. It is advisable to consider this approach as one of the directions for studying ways to increase the efficiency of calculations.
residual classes, range, modules, conversion.
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