I.V. Melnyk, A.O. Luntovskiy

Èlektron. model. 2018, 38(3):05-22


The methods of estimation of the efficiency of parallelization for computational algorithms for the problems of different level of complicity have been considered in the article. The problems of different level of complicity, which are connected with simulation of technological high-voltage glow discharge electron sources, are considered as the testing examples. Examples of parallelization of the problems of calculation of magnetic field of symmetric lens, analysis of temperature and mobility of ions in anode plasma, calculation of losses of electron beam current during its transporting, as well as simulation of self-consistent electron-ion optic of high voltage glow discharge,
are described.


parallel computing, clusters, arithmetic-logic function, recurrent matrix, electron beam, electron-beam technologies, electron sources, anode plasma.


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