A.V. Palagin, Dr Sci. (Tech.)
V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics,
National Aacademy of Sciences of Ukraine
Èlektron. model. 2018, 38(5):03-10
One of the highest priority directions of modern community development is building a knowledge-oriented society (as a type of stage of information community development), in which most working people are in the line of work related to creation, saving, processing and implementation of information, especially its (information’s) highest form—knowledge. Among other important problems, which are resolved at the current point of societal development, the problem of providing scientifically grounded, effectively presented and complete informational resources is especially worth emphasizing.
knowledge, subject domain, ontological approach, transdisciplinary (TD) research, unified network of TD-knowledge.
1. Palagin, A.V., Kriviy, S.L. and Petrenko, N.G. (2012), Ontologicheskie metody i sredstva obrabotki predmetnykh znaniy. Monografiya [Ontological methods and tools for field of subject knowledge processing. Monograph], The V. Dal Publishing House of the NEU, Lugansk, Ukraine.
2. Palagin, A.V. (2014), “Transdisciplinarity, computer science and the development of modern civilization”, Visnyk NAN Ukrainy, no. 7, pp. 25-33.
3. Palagin, A.V. (2013), “The problem of transdisciplinarity and the role of computer science”, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, no. 5, pp. 3-13.
4. Kurgaev, O.P. and Palagin, A.V. (2015), “On the subject of information support for scientific research”, Visnyk NAN Ukrainy, no. 8, pp. 33-48.
5. Palagin, A.V. and Yakovlev, Y.S. (2005), Sistemnaya integratsiya sredstv obrabotki sistemnykh znaniy [System integration of means of computer technology], UN²VERSUM-Vinnitsa, Vinnitsa, Ukraine.