S.Ye. Saukh, E.N. Dzhigun
Èlektron. model. 2020, 42(1):03-12
An approximate approach to constructing a mathematical model of hydroelectric power station operating modes is proposed. The basis of the approach is the hypothesis of the optimality of water-energy regimes of hydroelectric power plants, which can be observed in the past tense, using statistical data. To reproduce the observed modes of hydroelectric power stations, a parametric formulation of optimization problems of linear and quadratic programming is proposed, the solutions of which approximate many retrospective modes of hydroelectric power stations. The simplicity and adequacy of the approximate model of a hydroelectric station is demonstrated by the results of computational experiments. The possibility of using the proposed hydroelectric power station model as an integral part of the electric power system model is shown.
approximate model, hydroelectric power station, optimization, forecast.
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