K.B. Ostapchenko, O.I. Lisovychenko, V.A. Evdokimov, Z.Kh. Borukaiev

Èlektron. model. 2021, 43(4):51-68


The issues of creating an integrated information system for process analyzing the functioning of the competitive electricity market in the new conditions of complex relationships and potential risks after the introduction of a liberalized market model in Ukraine are considered. The peculiarities of its functioning are determined, which require new computer simulation tools that provide market participants with the opportunity to formulate and accept strategies for their own behavior in different segments of the competitive market. The existing solutions and researches in the field of creation of modern software tools for the modeling, forecasting and optimization of functioning of the energy markets in the world are analyzed. The direction of development of such means is determined and the structural-functional structure of the organizational management system is offered, which is presented by the functional components of preparation and decision-making process concerning the strategy of the market participant's own behavior in its segments. The interfaces of the main modules of the information modeling system for processes analysis of the competitive market, which becomes a component of the integrated system of organizational management of the electricity market, are given.


organizational management, electricity market, software, information mode­ling system.


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