V.S. Podhurenkо, О.M. Getmanets, V.Ye. Terekhov
Èlektron. model. 2020, 42(1):91-101
The modeling of the production of a wind power station in normal operation and under the generation limitation conditions as the aim of quantifying the electricity losses in the operation of wind farms of Ukraine is considered. To achieve this goal, on the basis of existing in wind energy approaches, original solutions have been proposed, such as, for example, replacing normal mode wind farm operation parameters in with limitation parameters, researching wind turbine power characteristics with characteristic operating areas. Based on long-term meteorological observations and analysis of the power characteristics of modern industrial multi-megawatt class wind turbines, a mathematical model of generation with a minimum set of input data is proposed and tested in the calculations. For a better understanding of the material, examples of calculations in various ways and a comparison of the results are given.
wind turbine, wind farm, Weibull—Gnidenko distribution, power curve, generation limitation
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