A.A. Vladimirsky, I.A. Vladimirsky,
V.O. Artemchuk, I.P. Kryvoruchko, D.M. Semenyuk
Èlektron. model. 2024, 46(5):64-73
The article is dedicated to analyzing the current state of underground heat and water supply pipelines in Ukraine, particularly under conditions of significant wear and tear and military impacts. The challenges associated with the operational detection of hidden leaks are examined, as well as the capabilities of known methods for identifying damaged sections and leak locations. The development of acoustic and correlation leak detectors is discussed as a promising direction for improving pipeline diagnostics in war conditions and amid network deterioration. Several innovations are proposed, including a new parametric correlation method, spatial-frequency selection of useful leak signals, and other advancements to enhance the diagnostics of critical infrastructure. These measures aim to improve the effectiveness of leak detection, ensure the continuity of essential services, and strengthen the resilience of the energy system in the face of current challenges.
pipeline, leak detector, correlation.
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