S. Gnatiuk, L. Korotchenkо, Y. Nebesna
Èlektron. model. 2020, 42(1):103-112
The article considers the set-theoretic models of objects that allow to quantify the power of subsets of elements that are used in different operating modes in order to evaluate the reliability indicators of electronic equipment depending on the structure of the object and the order of change of operating modes. Using the mathematical apparatus of set theory, the reliability of electronic equipment will be maximum with a minimum power of the elements that are used during operation and vice versa. The results are used to assess the reliability indicators of a radio station operating in reception or transmission modes. The reliability of electronic devices that are multifunctional and multi-mode using the mathematical apparatus of set theory is analyzed. This will allows us to evaluate the values of reliability indicators (MTBF and average recovery time) depending on the order of interaction of the subsets of elements and their power.
mine structure object, multiple theory, multi-mode
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