Mathematical modelling of dynamic system rotor — groove seals

S.S. Shevchenko, PhD in Technical Sciences
Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
15, General Naumov Str. Kiev, 03164, Ukraine
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Èlektron. model. 2021, 43(3):17-35


Groove seals are considered as hydrostatic bearings that capable of effectively damping rotor vibrations. In order to determine the dynamic characteristics, a model of the rotor–groove seals system is considered. The radial forces and moments in groove seals had been estimated. Expressions of joint radial-angular rotor vibrations in groove seals had been obtained. Formulas had been proposed for constructing amplitude and phase frequency characteristics. An example of calculating the dynamic characteristics of a centrifugal machine rotor model is given.


seals-bearings, radial-angular oscillations, frequency characteristics.


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