Аpproach to the solution of the optimum control problem of the water supply system

A.D. Taghiyeva

Sumgayit State University
Azerbaijan, AZ5008, Sumgayit, 43rd block,
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Èlektron. model. 2021, 43(1):107-116


This paper considers the problem of optimal control of branched water supply systems. To control the system, the problem of optimal distribution of products is delivered whereas non-linear programming problems are applied. We consider a system for providing products, consisting of magistral and distribution pipelines, taking products from the magistral pipeline. Each distribution line has many warehouses. Products are taken into the system using the main intake facility and transferred between the warehouses using intermediate distribution facilities. To eliminate the deficiencies in management, tasks are set to determine the necessary intensities of product supply in the facilities, allowing timely provision of consumers with the necessary volume of products, to minimize losses, product discharges of facilities in the system during a certain control period.


water supply system, water supply line, water supply point, optimal control, water consumption, optimization criteria.


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