V.O. Bolilyi, L.P. Sukhovirska, Yu.M. Hordiienko
Èlektron. model. 2023, 45(5):89-102
The article explains the face recognition process. The stages of recognition of emotions on the face and groups according to the field of application of FER are described. The main types of emotional artificial intelligence are distinguished. Seven recognized universal emotions are considered. A custom facial recognition script has been developed. Realized the functions of reading and detecting emotions live through a webcam using DeepFace.The research examines the development of the program "Recognition of user emotions using artificial intelligence." The following tasks were implemented in the work: writing the function of detecting a person in a photo or video and teaching the program to distinguish different facial emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, etc., using the DeepFace and OpenCV face recognition package. The developed computer program can be used in various aspects of everyday life: provision of personalized services, health care, employment, education, public safety. The program was tested by students of higher education major 122 "Computer science" of the Central Ukrainian State University named after V. Vinnichenko.
artificial intelligence, programming, emotions, DeepFace, OpenCV.
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