A.M. Semeniuk

Èlektron. model. 2024, 46(4):39-49


The purpose of the conducted research is to develop a mathematical model of the interaction of solar radiation and photoreceiving panels, as well as a mathematical apparatus for calculating the angle of the position of these panels to generate the maximum possible power of energy. These calculations should be used in the design of the system for controlling the position of the solar panel of the SPP. The considered problem is relevant for the field of renewable energy - solar energy, as well as for the design and construction of "small", home alternative energy photovoltaic systems.

The task that was solved in this work is the determination of the most effective method of orientation of the solar battery and a proposal for its implementation. The developed device allows you to calculate solar insolation on any day of the year and day, in accordance with the geographical location of the SES, the height of the placement relative to sea level, and the topography of the area. The hardware-mathematical functionality used allows to optimally place the photoreceptors under the condition of sunlight in order to maintain the direct and most effective angle of incidence of the sun's rays on their surface; as well as with scattered, diffuse or reflected lighting. To prevent damage to the device under adverse conditions, "alternate modes" of operation are provided.


tracking system model, solar panel position monitoring, decision-making algorithm, probabilistic estimates.


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