L.O. Mytko
Èlektron. model. 2024, 46(1):70-77
The problems of protecting information resources from cyberattacks of public and private enterprises are considered based on the analysis of data in the USA for 2022, taking into account the type of cyberattack and estimates of the damage caused. The analysis of cyberattacks allows us to conclude that the security of information resources depends on the human factor for more than 90 percent and it is in this direction that maximum efforts should be made. Improving the protection of information resources is not possible without the use of artificial intelligence (AI). The possibilities of the influence of AI on the cyber defense of the energy industry are considered and areas that require attention in the development of systems of protection against cyber attacks, which are "doomed" to attract the achievements of AI, are proposed. At the same time, it is taken into account that AI not only allows you to increase protection against cyber attacks, but can also make computer networks less secure. And the extraordinary capabilities of neural networks require the urgent creation of agreed international protocols for their developers.
cyber attack, infrastructure, security, artificial intelligence.
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