Yu.G. Kutsan, V.O. Gurieiev, Y.M. Lysenko, O.V. Avetisyan

Èlektron. model. 2018, 41(2):63-80


The functional structure of electric power systems (EPS) to assess the most reliable places ofThe functional structure of electric power systems (EPS) to assess the most reliable places ofunauthorized impact on the work of critical infrastructure is analyzed in the article. It is imperativeto take into account the continuous operation in time and a very complex hierarchicalsystem of management of EÇS facilities and the United Electric Power System (ECO),which consists of a large number of often not directly interconnected automatic (without humanparticipation) and automated systems (with human participation in solutions) managementof generation units (nuclear, thermal, solar, wind and hydroelectric power plants),power transmission networks (transportation) and electricity consumption. The variants ofcyber threats of these very systems and objects of the existing EÇS management structure arealso the subject of research of this work. It is proposed to develop operational preventivemethods aimed at identifying and preventing the conditions for the emergence of cyberthreats in the energy sector.


cyber threats, power system modes, mode simulation, electronic training,cyber threats, power system modes, mode simulation, electronic training,scenarios of anti-cybernetic training.


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