O.M. Dubach

Èlektron. model. 2024, 46(5):115-128


The paper presents an analysis of the concept of resilience within the framework of critical infrastructure, specifically focusing on nuclear energy. It offers a definition of resilience tailored to the nuclear sector, emphasizing the critical role in ensuring nuclear and radiation safety at nuclear power plants. The study draws a parallel between the resilience concept and the defense-in-depth strategy widely adopted in nuclear power plants, highlighting the importance of resilience in addressing high-impact, low-probability events.

The research identifies key directions for advancing the understanding and application of resilience in nuclear energy, including the development of assessment methodologies that align with nuclear safety standards. The article underscores the potential benefits of integrating resi­lience into existing safety paradigms, proposing that such integration could enhance the ability of nuclear power plants to anticipate, withstand, and recover from extreme disruptions (initia­ting events), thereby contributing to the overall sustainability of nuclear energy systems.


resilience, nuclear power, HILP event.


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