S.V. Listrovoy, Dr Sc. (Eng.),
Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, 7 Feuerbach Sq., Kharkov, 61050, Ukraine Е-mail:
E.S. Listrovaya, Cand. Sc. (Eng.)
Zhukovsky National Aerospace University, 17 Chkalov St, Kharkov, 61070, Ukraine, e-mail:
Èlektron. model. 2018, 40(3):33-40
The paper provides a substantiation of the machine proof of the hypothesis of four colors conducted by a group of mathematicians headed by K. Appel and V. Heiken [1].
chromatic number, triangulation, graph density
1. Appel, K. and Haken, W. (1989), Every planar map four colorable contemporary mathematics, (R. I.): Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 89.
2. Berge, K. (1962), Teoriya grafov i yeyo primenenie [The theory of graphs and its application], IL, Moscow, USSR.
3. Heesch, H. (1969), Untersuchungen zum Vierfarbenproblem, Hochschilskriptum 810/a/b/Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim.
4. Harari, F. (1973), Teoriya grafov, 2oe izd. [Theory of graphs, 2nd ed.], Mir, Moscow, USSR.
5. Emelichev, V.B., Melnikov, O.I., Sarvanov, V.I. and Tyshkevich, R.I. (1990), Lektsii po teorii grafov [Lectures on graph theory], Nauka, Moscow, USSR.