V.Yu. Zubok
Èlektron. model. 2018, 41(2):97-110
Attacking global routing is capable of harming millions of network devices (and also users) withAttacking global routing is capable of harming millions of network devices (and also users) withmuch less effort than the well-known DDoS or ransomware attacks. Since route hijacking can’tbe fully mitigated, minimizing the risk is an actual problem. Relying on actual world practices ofrisk management, in this paper author offers some new theoretical approaches of identificationand evaluation of route hijacking risk. Earlier, we have proceeded through ISO Guide 73:2009“Risk Management – Vocabulary” to tie-up to the commonly used methodical approach for riskmanagement. In this paper we provide a classic STRIDE approach to routing security threatsclassification, and DREAD model to assess each threat of STRIDE acronym. Using such two-dimensionalmeasuring, we achieved a numerically expressed impact of each threat on aggregatedrisk evaluation.
global routing, route hijacking, cyberattack, risk assesment, threats evaluation.
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