Electronic modeling

Vol 44, No 3 (2022)


Computatinal Processes and Systems

Cognitive Algebraic System


Informational technologics


Application of Modeling Methods and Facilities



S.Ye. Saukh, O.M. Dzhyhun

Èlektron. model. 2022, 44(3):03-13



The analysis of various strategies of development of generating capacities which use RES is carried out. It is shown that the forecast indicators of electricity production from RES and the installed capacity of the respective generating units are system-wide and do not reflect the peculiarities of their regional development. It is noted that the regional development of capacities that use RES leads to the formation of "smart" networks, i.e. such participants in the electricity market that are able to form their own schedules of production and consumption of electricity in the power system. To reflect the peculiarities of the functioning of  "smart" networks in the UES of Ukraine, the problem of modeling the regional distribution of system-wide volumes of electricity production from RES, in particular, generating equipment for wind farms and SES, is formulated and solved. The problem takes into account regional differences in the efficiency of generating equipment of wind farms and wind farms, the pace of socio-economic development of regions, the maximum achievable values of electricity production and wind farms in regional energy systems of Ukraine, as well as the already established capacity and electricity production. SES in these regional energy systems in the base year. The results of modeling the regional distribution of total electricity production of wind farms and wind farms for the long term in two possible scenarios are presented.


renewable energy sources, modeling, regional development.


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H.O. Kravtsov, S.M. Hrechko, V.V. Nikitchenko, A.M. Prymushko

Èlektron. model. 2022, 44(3):14-30



Authors propose an algebraic system with some special axioms as a mathematical framework to model arbitrary cognitive agents. We develop cognitive process as the composition of functions that happens if and only if some given requirements are met with some given probability; we introduce definitions of objective and subjective contradiction within a cognitive algebraic system (CAS). We proved that subjective contradiction makes CAS unable to find an optimal solution analytically and thus such a CAS is deliberated to fallback to the combinatorics and its methodology. Rigorous definitions of theoretical and practical experimentation and theoretical and practical learning were given, also was shown the role of (natural) language in these processes. New science problem arose — the problem of defining language’s semantics within described CAS.


strong artificial intelligence, cognitive algebraic system, consistency of cognitive system, time quantum, nature of subjective time, synthesis model, learning, research.


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Y.S. Chernozomov

Èlektron. model. 2022, 44(3):31-41



The features of the reflection of unpolarized solar radiation in the infrared region of the spectrum, in which the heating of reflecting surfaces occurs, are considered. Mathematical models of the angular dependences of the reflection of a p-polarized wave in the region of normal incidence angles are presented. An optical system of a solar energy concentrator and a system for transmitting a high-potential ray flux with a bandwidth of the energy component of solar radiation are proposed.


angle of normal incidence, grazing incidence angle, infrared spectrum, polarization conservation region, energy component of radiation, optical anisotropy, Brews­ter angle.


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W. Rogoza, G. Ishchenko

Èlektron. model. 2022, 44(3):42-49



A comparative analysis of two deterministic methods of short-term forecasting of time series in the conditions of a limited amount of experimental data is performed. The first method is based on the construction of so-called partial predictive models in the form of Kolmogorov-Gabor second-order polynomials. In the second method, in addition to these polynomials, predictive partial models are built in the form of increments of changes in the parameters of the object under study. This makes it possible to increase the amount of data for training forecast models. Due to this increase, the researcher gets more accurate predictions for each parameter. A comparison of the results of the forecast on the example confirms this conclusion.


time series, deterministic methods, comparative analysis of forecasting methods.


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