Electronic modeling

Vol 44, No 1 (2022)


Computatinal Processes and Systems

Unit Commitment Model with Cyclic Forecasting Period

Method for Forecasting Short-term Time Series Using Sensitivity Functions

The Equal-length Redundant Code Development for the Self-checking Combinational Devices Synthesis Based on Data on their Structures


Parallel calculations

Use of Loop Transformation Techniques to Optimize Parallel Applications


Application of Modeling Methods and Facilities

Computer Monitoring of Energy Consumption with Assessment of Hidden Energy Losses

Computer Simulation of the Results of Chromium, Molybdenum and Titanium Ion Implantation in the Surface of Stainless Steel

Research of Current Cyber Risks of Automated Technological Process Control Systems

The Artifacts Verification Approaches to Providing Critical Purpose Objects Cybersecurity Process


Short notes

Proceedings of the meeting of public council at the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine



S.Ye Saukh, A.V. Borysenko

Èlektron. model. 2021, 44(1):03-29



Well known Unit Commitment (UC-) models of loading generating units of power systems have a common feature: they are all determined on the basis of linear time, where there are past, current and future periods. UC-models are "tied" to the initial conditions and, therefore, cannot cover long-term forecasting horizon due to the excessive computational complexity of algorithms using to solve large-scale integer programming problems. To eliminate such an insurmountable limitation in the application of UC-models, the UC-model of loading generating blocks on the cyclic forecasting horizon (UCC-model) is proposed. The UCC model reproduces block-loading modes on a cyclical weekly forecast horizon and does not require initial conditions, as it establishes a relationship between the states of generating blocks at the end and beginning of the forecast horizon. The weekly distance of the extreme points of the forecast horizon in the UCC model can significantly reduce the interaction of the conditions of cyclic loading of blocks. The UCC model adequately reflects the loading modes of generating units of NPP, TPP, powerful CHTPP, HPP and energy storage systems, including powerful PSP. The UCC model is a multi-node model and takes into account the limitations on the volume of electricity transmission by interconnection power lines. The UCC model takes into account system-wide requirements for the placement of primary and secondary power reserves on loaded units, including energy storage systems. The UCC model is a tool for analyzing the adequacy of shunting power in the tasks of medium- and long-term forecasting of power systems development in terms of increasing electricity production of wind and solar power plants.


power system, model, loading of generating units, cyclic forecasting horizon.


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W. Rogoza, G. Ishchenko

Èlektron. model. 2021, 44(1):29-43



The article investigates the problem of forecasting time series in the conditions of a small amount of experimental data. The latter are presented in the form of samples that contain the values of the parameters of the object of study. To create predictive mathematical models, it is proposed to use second-order Kolmogorov-Gabor polynomials, the coefficients of which are calculated according to certain rules on the basis of experimental data (the stage of calculating these coefficients can be interpreted as model training). Because there is a small amount of experimental data, it is not possible to establish statistical characteristics of changes in the parameters of the object, so in these conditions, classical forecasting methods become inappropriate, and the reliability and accuracy of mathematical models is crucial. The article proposes an approach to building mathematical predictive models based on the principles of system identification, i,e, the object of research is considered as a "black box", data known from experiments - as input parameters, and predicted parameters - as output parameters of the conditional multiport. To predict the magnitude of each parameter of the object in future moments of time, several alternative mathematical models are created, called particular prediction models. To enhance the probability of a reliable prediction, among the alternative models are selected those models that meet certain conditions of reliability. of the proposed method.


time series, time-limited forecasting, small number of experimental samples, system identification.


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  7. Rogoza, W. (2019), “Method for the prediction of time series using small sets of experimental samples”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 355, pp. 108-122.

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The equal-length redundant code development for the self-checking combinational devices synthesis based on data on their structures

D.V. Efanov, D.Sc.

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution
of Higher Education "Russian University of Transport"

Russian Federation, 127994, Moscow, st. Obraztsova, 9, building 9

tel. (+7) (911) 7092164, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Èlektron. model. 2021, 44(1):43-52



The problem of organizing the automation and computer technology combinational devices control with the diagnostic tools synthesized using redundant coding is considered. In contrast to the known approaches, a method is proposed for generating a uniform separable code, considering the structural features of the original combination devices. This method makes it possible to use data about possible errors at the outputs of the circuit in the code under construction and take this into account when synthesizing the control circuit. When setting the problem, a fault model is determined, relative to which the code will be built with the detection of all (or, possibly, part) errors at the circuit outputs. In contrast to the known redundant codes used to organize the combinational device’s control, the proposed method of generating a code makes it possible to consider the individual features of their structures. Such an approach in the self-checking combinational devices organization with an unchangeable design expands the number of ways to construct them compared to the previously known duplication and use of circuit outputs groups controlled by codes with unique diagnostic properties.


the self-checking combinational device, equal-length redundant code, error detection at the combinational device’s outputs, code construction “under the circuit”, a self-che­cking device structural redundancy.


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O.A. Chemerys, Z. Kh. Borukayev, I.V. Blinov

Èlektron. model. 2021, 44(1):53-68



The possibility of programs optimizing, in particular, existing parallel ones, is considered. Minimization of program execution time on a parallel computer system was chosen as the optimization function. To optimize, we use algorithms for affine transformation of the iterative space of loop operators, each of which is represented as a graph based on the dependencies between the operators that create relationships in the iteration graph of the loop operator. As an example, we consider the process of optimizing the software package MFDn, which is used in nuclear physics to find a multibody nuclear Hamiltonian. Optimized program run time decreasing is shown.


parallelization, program optimization, program transformation, affine transformations.


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