Electronic modeling

Vol 43, No 6 (2021)



Mathematical Modeling and Computation Methods

Method for Representing an Exponent in a Fifth-dimensional Hypercomplex Number Systems Using a Hypercomplex Computing Software

Mathematical Models of the Temperature Field in Heat-sensitive Elements of Electronic Devices

Some Features of Imaginary Exponential Functions in Two-dimensional Noncommutative, Non-associative Algebraic Systems


Informational Technologics

  Y.N. Gruts, P.O. Holotiuk
Cosine Based Stereointerpolation


Computatinal processes and systems

Transitions Weight-based Sum Code for The Digital Computing Devices Synthesis


Application of Modeling Methods and Facilities

Modeling of Electrode Systems of Gas-discharge Guns with Focusing of an Electronic Beam in a Magnetic Field of a Short Lens

Development of Methodical Recommendations Usage of Functional Paradigm Programming in Scala

  O.A. Chemerys, O.V. Bushma, O.S. Lytvyn
Network of Autonomous Modules for Reliable monitoring of Complex Industrial Facilities


Method for representing an exponent in a fifth-dimensional hypercomplex number systems using a hypercomplex computing software

Ya.А. Кalinovskiy 1, Yu.E. Boiarinova 1,2

1 Institute for Information Recording NAS of Ukraine
  Shpaka str, 2, 03113 Kyiv, Ukraine
  e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2 National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  Peremogy pr., 37, 03113 Kyiv, Ukraine

Èlektron. model. 2021, 43(6):03-18



The structure of method for constructing a representation of an exponential function in hypercomplex number systems (HNS) by the method of solving an associated system of linear differential equations is considered. Brief information about the hypercomplex computing software (HCS) is given. With the use of HCS, the necessary cumbersome operations on symbolic expressions were performed when constructing the representation of the exponent in the fifth-dimensional HNS. Fragments of programs in the environment of HCS and results of symbolic calculations are resulted.


hypercomplex number system, representation of functions, exponent, characteristic number, computer algebra systems, algebraic operation, Keli table.


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  13. Kalinovskiy, Ya.A. and Boiarinova, Yu.E. (2012), Vysokorazmernyye izomorfnyye giperkompleksnyye chislovyye sistemy i ikh primeneniya [High-dimensional isomorphic hypercomplex number systems and their applications], IPRI NANU, Kyiv, Ukraine.
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V.I. Havrysh

Èlektron. model. 2021, 43(6):19-33



Nonlinear mathematical models for the analysis of temperature regimes in a thermosensitive isotropic plate heated by locally concentrated heat sources have been developed. For this purpose, the heat-active zones of the plate are described using the theory of generalized functions. Given this equation of thermal conductivity and boundary conditions contain discontinuous and singular right parts. The original nonlinear equations of thermal conductivity and nonlinear boundary conditions are linearized by Kirchhoff transformation. To solve the obtained boundary value problems, the integral Fourier transform was used and, as a result, their analytical solutions in the images were determined. The inverse integral Fourier transformtransform was applied to these solutions, which made it possible to obtain analytical expressions for determining the Kirchhoff variable. As an example, the linear dependence of the thermal conductivity on temperature is chosen, which is often used in many practical problems. As a result, analytical relations were obtained to determine the temperature in the heat-sensitive plate. The given analytical solutions are presented in the form of improper convergent integrals. According to Newton’s method (three eighths), numerical values of these integrals are obtained with a certain accuracy for given values of plate thickness, spatial coordinates, specific power of heat sources, thermal conductivity of structural materials of the plate and geometric parameters of the heat-active zone. The material of the plate is silicon and germanium. To determine the numerical values of temperature in the structure, as well as the analysis of heat transfer processes in the middle of the plate due to local heating, developed software, using which geometric mapping of temperature distribution depending on spatial coordinates, thermal conductivity, specific heat flux density. The obtained numerical values of temperature testify to the correspondence of the developed mathematical models of the analysis of heat exchange processes in the thermosensitive plate with local heating to the real physical process.


temperature field; isotropic thermosensitive plate; thermal conductivity; heat-insulated surface; perfect thermal contact, local heating.


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S.I. Klipkov

Èlektron. model. 2021, 43(6):34-49



Mathematical properties of imaginary exponential functions that can be used to represent the elements of two-dimensional algebraic systems constructed by introducing anticommutativity in the laws of composition of the elements of the basis of two-dimensional canonical numerical systems are considered.


exponential functions, imaginary units, complex numbers, double numbers, dual numbers, algebraic systems.


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Y.N. Gruts, P.O. Holotiuk

Èlektron. model. 2021, 43(6):50-60



Considered the future development of the computer procedure for stereo interpolation, implemented on the basis of two cosine waves with a variable period. The proposed procedure is designed to create and visualize a 3D curve passing through three arbitrary points in the stereo vision space, specified by the researcher using a stereo cursor. The feature of this method is the implemented mode in which the tangent drawn to the curve at the midpoint is always parallel to the line segment connecting the end points. The two cosine waves merge harmoniously around the midpoint, and this gives the researcher the feeling that the synthesized curve stretches for the midpoint as it moves.


wireframe models, stereography, stereo operator, stereo indicator, stereointerpolator.


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