Electronic modeling

Vol 46, No 6 (2024)


Mathematical modeling and Computation Methods


Informational Technologics


Rogoza W.S., Ishchenko G.V.
Direct and Inverse Problems of Information Retrieval of Text  Documents 

  Gerasimov V.R., Dusheba V.V.
Analysis of Optimizing Database Performance Methods


Application of Modeling Methods and Facilities


Vladimirsky A.A., Vladimirsky I.A.
Correlation parametric method for determining the velocity of acoustic wave propagation in a pipeline


Vasiliev O.V., Vasiliev V.V., Choch V.V., Hilgurt S.Ya.
Implementation of Non-integer Technical Systems Using Programmable Logic


Khydyntsev M.M.,  Zubok V.Yu.,
Palazhchenko I.L. Approaches to the Analysis of Sets of Cyber Statistics Indicators


Dolynenko V.V., Shapovalov E.V.
Synthesis and Mathematical Modeling of a Compo- site Heat Source Model Related to the Mig/Mag Welding Process with Torch Oscillations

  Zubok V.,  Dubynskyi G.
Assessing and Improving the Cybersecurity of the Topology of Critical Information Infrastructure Objects in Global Cyberspace


On the connectivity of quasi-random graphs

O.D. Glukhov, candidate physics and mathematics of science
National Aviation University of Ukraine
Ukraine, 03058, Kyiv, Lubomyra Huzara Avenue, 1
tel. 0677348008, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Èlektron. model. 2024, 46(6):03-07



Graph theory is widely used to study the structural properties of complex discrete systems. Thus, to assess the ability of a system to maintain certain structural properties when the connections between its elements are broken, it is important to study different types of graph connectivity. Quasi-random graphs are a model of complex discrete systems with random disruptions of connections between system elements. The problem of estimating the probability of connectivity in quasi-random graphs is considered. The concepts of multiframe and polynomial of a connected graph are introduced. A new estimator of connectivity for quasi-random graphs based on a 3-edge connected graphs is presented.


complex discrete system, quasi-random graph, graph multiframe, connected graph polynomial.


  1. Frieze A, Karoński M. Introduction to Random Graphs. Cambridge University Press; 2024. P. 576.
  2. Karoński M., Frieze A. Random Graphs and Networks: A First Course. Cambridge University Press, 2023. 220 p.
  3. Glukhov, O., Korostil, Ju. (2004), Strukturna bezpeka skladnyh dyskretnyh system pry vypadkovyh vidmovah [Structural safety of complex discrete systems with random failu­res], Modelirovanie ta informaziyni tehnologii, IPME NANU, v. 27, Kyiv, p. 91-95.
  4. Glukhov A.D. Kvazisluchaynie grafy I strukturnaya ustoychivost slozhnyh diskretnyh system// Elektronnoe modelirovanie, v. 38, № 5, 2016, с. 35-41.
  5. Glukhov O.D. Teorema pro vypadkovi perestanovky ta deyaki yii zastosuvannya// Elektronnoe modelirovanie, v. 43, № 2, 2021, с. 29-36.
  6. Diestel R. Graph Theory, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, v. 173, 2017. 428 p.

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W.S. Rogoza, G.V. Ishchenko

Èlektron. model. 2024, 46(6):08-28



Information retrieval on the Web, databases and other sources of text documents includes tasks that require analyzing the relationships between documents and the constituent elements of documents. Establishing such relations allows search engine users to retrieve the documents they need from endless sources of information using concise search request, as well as to choose effective methods of processing found documents to solve various tasks of analyzing the content of documents. A classification of methods for processing text documents using forward and reverse indices is proposed, which allows generalizing the properties of document search and processing methods.

Elementary examples of application of the methods are given, which allow the reader to enter the essence of the issues quickly, discussed in the article, and tounderstand better the principles of construction of these methods and their suitability for solving specific information retrieval tasks.


information retrieval, text documents, models of direct and reverse document indexing.


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O.A. Kravchuk, V.D. Samoilov

Èlektron. model. 2024, 46(6):29-42



The use of artificial intelligence methods in swarm systems of unmanned aerial vehicles is studied. The basic artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that ensure adaptive and intelligent swarm behavior are presented, and their application in real-world scenarios is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the current problems and limitations of swarm systems, such as system scalability, communication reliability, adaptation to a dynamic environment, etc. Promising directions for the development of AI-based algorithms aimed at increasing the efficiency, stability, and survivability of swarms are outlined.


unmanned aerial vehicles, swarm system, swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles, artificial intelligence.


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V.V. Dusheba, V.R. Gerasimov

Èlektron. model. 2024, 46(6):43-54



An in-depth analysis of modern database optimization methods to improve their performance, reliability, and scalability is carried out. The main attention is paid to relational (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra), which are widely used for data management. Key approaches to optimization are discussed, including designing efficient database schemas, normalization and denormalization, use of indexes, caching, sharding, and replication. Particular attention is paid to the importance of choosing the right database management system according to the type of information and specifics of queries, which significantly affects performance. Methods of optimizing SQL queries and client applications to reduce server load are analyzed. The balance between data integrity and data access speed is analyzed, which is critical for modern database management systems.


database optimization, normalization, denormalization, sharding, replication.


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