Electronic Modeling


Current Issue

Èlektron. model. 2024, 46(6)


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Based on the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 24.05.2018 №527 and from 02.07.2020 №886, as well as in accordance with the Register of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (http://surl.li/emhq), the magazine "Electronic Modeling" (ISSN: printed edition— 0204-3572, electronic— 2616-9525) is assigned category B and it is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in which the results of dissertations for obtaining scientific degrees of Doctor of Science, Candidate of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in the field of technical sciences can be published in the following specialties:
121— software engineering;
122— computer science;
123— computer engineering;
125— cybersecurity;
126— information systems and technologies;
151— automation and computer-integrated technologies;
183— environmental protection technologies.

Electronic modeling –
international scientific-theoretical journal

Main Editor:


Article problems:

  • Mathematical modeling and computation methods
  • Informational technologies
  • Computational processes and systems
  • Parallel computing
  • Application of modeling methods and facilities

Publisher: Publishing House "Akademperiodyka"

The journal Electronic Modeling is registered in international scientometric and abstract databases:

The journal is referred in refereed journal «Dzherelo»; entered into the database «Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine»; an electronic copy of the journal is kept at the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.

Since 2018 the publications of the scientific journal are provided with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) by CrossRef. Journal has DOI 10.15407.

By order # 527 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated May 24, 2018, the journal is included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in which the main results of the dissertation can be published

Scientific-Theoretical Journal
ISSN 0204-3572 (Print)
ISSN 2616-9525 (Online)
Èlektronnoe modelirovanie
Abbreviated key title:
Èlektron. model.

Related titles:
Electronic modeling, 0275-9136
Engineering simulation, 1063-1100

UDC : 004.9
UDC : 519.64

State registration certificate of print media:
КВ № 13147-2031ПР from 27.08.2007

Subscription index in the Ukraine periodicals catalog – 71115

Founded in September 1979
Published since 1979

The journal is published bimonthly
(6 issues a year)

Type of resource: Periodical
Country: Ukraine

Journal Languages:

Dimensions: 70x100/16