Method of Doubling the Sequence of the Items Weight in the Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Encryption Problem
The algorithm for forming the normal sequence of eccessively ascending one, based on the introduced concepts of indirect modular transformations and partial inversions with the «loophole» formation on the basis of duplicate sequences of the items weights has been developed as part of the Merkle-Hellman cryptoscheme of knapsack encryption. It is shown that under such an approach 2k options of the element of normal sequence may correspond to each element above the ascending sequence for the k-fold iterated backpack system, and the number of options of normal sequence, with all the same parameters of the modular transformations, may achieve 2kL, where L is the number of bits in the data block. In this case, the inverse problem of determining the excessively ascending sequence of the normal one can be reduced to the problem of integer linear programming only as a variant with the great number of options.
public key cryptography, crypto scheme Merkle-Hellman, encryption pack.
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Phase-Frequency Criterion of Stability
The method of stability estimation of the dynamic systems according to analysis results of characteristic polynomial of its transfer function has been considered. The phase-frequency criterion of stability estimation of the continuous linear and nonlinear systems containing linear, irrational, transcendent, nonminimum phase links and links of delay is proposed. The method of stability analysis of the systems is expounded.
criterion, stability, the transfer function, characteristic polynomial, phase vector.
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Reduction of Calculations for the Fourier Base Discrete and Hartly Discrete Transformations under Sparse Arrays of Signals
The authors perform algorithms based on the account of zero elements in the arrays of input and output signals. The use of these signals ensures the reduction of calculations of the Fourier direct and inverse base discrete transformation and Hartley direct base transformation.
reduction in computing the discrete Fourier transform, a discrete Hartley transform, accounting zero elements in algorithms.
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Investigation of the Impact of Errors of Certain Factors on the Error in Modelling of Contaminants Spread in the Surface Layer of the Atmosphere
The article deals with assessing the impact of error of the individual factors in input data while modelling the spread of contaminants in surface layer of the atmosphere. In particular, analytical expressions for the calculation of relative error of the results of modelling the spread of contaminants in surface layer of atmosphere are determined, depending on relative error of the input parameters using statistical models modifications IAEA and Roberts’ k-model. The results of numerical experiments of assessing the impact of the relative error in the input data by changing one of the factors are given.
Mathematical modeling, the relative error.
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- Method for Optimizing the Weighting Factor of Neural Networks with the Help of Genetic Algorithm with Implementation on the Programmable Logic Integrated Circuits
- Integral Equations of Symmetrical Components of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field of the Stator of Cylindrical Electromagnetic Stirrer
- Digital Modeling and Analysis of the Input Signal of Two Gyroscope Gravimeter on the Aircraft under the Effect of External Disturbances
- Functional Construction of Equivalents of Electric Networks when Estimating the Effect of the Sources of Distributed Generation on their Operating Conditions