Èlektron. model. 2018, 41(2):121-126
The method of color formalization of the level of information security risk is proposed. The mainThe method of color formalization of the level of information security risk is proposed. The maingoal of this method is reflecting of the overall risk to ensure the confidentiality, integrity andavailability of information in one color using the additive color RGB model. The approach to theformalized presentation of the level of information security risk consider the confidentiality, integrity,availability and observability of one color with help of four color CMYK. Auto-typing isalso considered.
information security risk, risk map, rating scale, RGB, CMYK.
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ZVARICH Valerii Mykolayovych, Doctor of sciences (engineering), leading scientific worker of theInstitute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, graduated from the NationalTechnical University of Ukraine Kiev Polytechnic Institute in 1982. Sphere of scientific research:modeling of information signals with the use of statistical approach, development of computersystems of vibrodiagnostics, cybersecurity in energy.
DAVYDIUK Andriy Viktorovych, post-graduate, G.E. Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy EngineeringNational Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, graduated from the National Technical Universityof Ukraine Kiev Polytechnic Institute in 2018. Sphere of scientific research: cybersecurity, risk theoryand cybersecurity risk management.